
In django-pipelines the pipelines and runners are kept separate meaning how the tasks are ran can me modified based on on your requirements.

To specify a runner to use for pipelines set PIPELINES_PIPELINE_RUNNER. By default this is set to the eager runner (pipelines.runners.eager.Runner).

Currently pipelines ships with the following runners:

  • Eager (pipelines.runners.eager.Runner): This will run all tasks to run in sequence, locally.

  • Celery (pipelines.runners.celery.runner.Runner): This will create a celery canvas that will run the pipeline on celery workers.


All runners must follow the following rules:

  • A task cannot run without all of its parents being completed

  • A task without a parent can be ran at any point

  • If a pipeline has an iterator the runner must run all pipelines independently. If one errors, the rest should be ran to completion.

  • If a task has an iterator the runner must run all instances of the task before running any child tasks. If any tasks in the iterator fail, the remaining tasks should be cancelled. This cancellation isn’t guaranteed however (for instance tasks already running on a celery worker may complete) but all child tasks are guaranteed to be cancelled.

It is down to the runner to decide how to interpret the task graph and schedule each task. It is allowed to do this in any way as long as these four rules are followed.

Eager Runner#

The eager runner runs all tasks in series on your local machine. This is useful when developing a pipeline but is not intended for use in production.

Celery Runner#

The celery runner is designed to build a celery canvas which is then scheduled on a group of celery workers. Each pipeline in an iterator will generate it’s own canvas building a chain of tasks, each of which will be chord if an iterator defined.

It is left to the reader to design and implement their own celery deployment. Here is the celery documentation with some useful information for implementing with django.

Custom Runners#

To build a custom runner a start_runner method must be defined taking 2 parameters:

  • pipeline_execution (a PipelineExecution object)

  • reporter (a PipelineReporter object)

This should build a schedule that will run each task and catch any errors and record them in the results storage. To help with this the base PipelineRunner class provides 2 methods:

  • get_task_graph: Which creates a TopologicalSorter object from the task dependencies (see the graphlib documentation).

  • get_flat_task_list: Which provides a list of TaskExecution objects that can be ran in order to abide by the rules set out above.

If the pipelines are successfully scheduled the method should return True otherwise return False or raise an Exception.