pipelines.meta package#

class pipelines.meta.ClassWithAppConfigMeta#

Bases: ClassWithMeta

Base class for classes that need a Meta class to be processed and for the app_label to be added to the _meta property. If the class is not part of a django application, the app_class must be specified in the Meta class otherwise an error is raised.

class Meta#

Bases: Meta

abstract: ClassVar[bool] = True#
app_label: str#
classmethod postprocess_meta(class_meta, resolved_meta_class)#

Postprocesses the resolved meta class to be attached to the class being created.

The current_class_meta class will be a copy of the class attached to the class being initialised so can be safely modified.

current_class_meta: The meta class attached to the current class.

If no Meta class is set on the current class the value is None.

resolved_meta_class: The resolved meta class created from the current

class meta and all the meta classes attached to the classes bases

class pipelines.meta.ClassWithMeta#

Bases: object

Base class for classes that need a Meta class to be processed into the _meta property

class Meta#

Bases: object

abstract: ClassVar[bool] = True#
name: ClassVar[str]#
verbose_name: ClassVar[str]#
classmethod postprocess_meta(current_class_meta, resolved_meta_class)#

Postprocesses the resolved meta class to be attached to the class being created.

The current_class_meta class will be a copy of the class attached to the class being initialised so can be safely modified.

current_class_meta: The meta class attached to the current class.

If no Meta class is set on the current class the value is None.

resolved_meta_class: The resolved meta class created from the current

class meta and all the meta classes attached to the classes bases

classmethod preprocess_meta(current_class_meta: None | type)#

Preprocesses the meta class attached to the class being created.

The current_class_meta class will be a copy of the class attached to the class being initialised so can be safely modified.

current_class_meta: The meta class attached to the current class.

If no Meta class is set on the current class the value is None.